The direct no, in any form, is powerful.
There are two different universes. Both are right.
You need to be clear on the life you want to have. Be clear about how you protect your time.
If you say yes to everything because it’s “a nice thing to do” then you have your world twisted up.
No simply means no.
Yes to everything means no to everything.
The more clear about the thing you want, the easier it will be to say no. It is also easier to say yes.
Just say no.
Explaining why your answer is no is weak. Be bold.
Ask yourself:
*Are you still saying yes to everyone?
*Where in your life today are you saying yes when you should be saying no?
If you are truly clear about what you want, saying a simple and direct “no” won’t be hard.
This is the Prosperity Revolution, a daily podcast that will help you revolutionize your personal world which will allow you to then change your outer world.
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Stop being a victim.
Take your life back.
The Revolution Has Begun.
Love you,
Setema Gali – The Reverend of the Revolution