Begin with the end in mind. Before you start something, know exactly where you want to go.
What do you want to do when you finish?
I was asked this question while on a flight, and I said I wanted to be a speaker on stages. It seemed like such an absurd goal, could I get paid doing that?
Fast forward and I meet a man who changed my world. He introduced me to this concept of a revolution: a revolution of prosperity, a revolution of the mind.
The old way, the way of bondage, entitlement, victimhood, and scarcity was all about “me.”
With the revolution of prosperity one would view their role in the world as that of a contributor, not that of a taker.
Grow yourself, grow your skills and your capacity. Become a person who has high human life value, and serve people.
Every dollar you receive comes from someone else’s bank account.
In a free marketplace dollars follow value.
The person who is only thinking of themselves does not prosper as much as a powerful leader or creator who’s focus is on other people.
The prosperity revolution live: creators from all over the world are going to fly into Southern California, and for three days they will share the principles, insights, and distinctions that will allow one to become powerful, prosperous, and a person of value.
Get your tickets now and come join us.
In the prosperity revolution prosperity is predictable, sustainable, and it is guided by a group of principles that allow you to predictably and safely create wealth.
In scarcity, materials and money are the end goal. In the revolution of abundance and prosperity, money and material goods are only used as tools to create more value for other people.
Ask yourself:
*How can you create the most value for the most people?
Come join us at the Prosperity Revolution Live to begin to live a life of abundance and become a more powerful and prosperous person.
This is the Prosperity Revolution, a daily podcast that will help you revolutionize your personal world which will allow you to then change your outer world.
Share this with others.
Stop being a victim.
Take your life back.
The Revolution Has Begun.
Love you,
Setema Gali – The Reverend of the Revolution