Sawing sawdust means to perform unproductive activities over and over again.
There’s doing what’s required, and there’s sawing sawdust.
Doing what’s required is chopping wood to produce results.
People have such big dreams and goals, especially around the time of the New Year.
Then what happens? They spend their time sawing sawdust.
Sawing sawdust is the OPPOSITE of doing what’s required.
It’s hiding and pretending.
Why do you saw sawdust?
- You are a liar.
- Most people are liars. Sometimes it’s just easier to lie.
- You aren’t sure what you want.
- You don’t believe.
Sawing sawdust doesn’t work. It’s a waste of time.
Part of doing the work is not focusing on the results.
Focus on the necessary required actions.
Powerful producers hit their high value targets, they do what’s necessary.
Build into your system the daily actions that matter.
Build a habit of doing what matters most.
Plant the seed right now, and after some time it will happen.
Identify right now where in your life where you’re just sawing sawdust.
Go do the work.
If you do the work, you get the results.
Ask yourself:
*Where are you still sawing sawdust?
If you saw the sawdust, you will not get results. Sawing sawdust is the opposite of doing what’s required.
This is the Prosperity Revolution, a daily podcast that will help you revolutionize your personal world which will allow you to then change your outer world.
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Stop being a victim.
Take your life back.
The Revolution Has Begun.
Love you,
Setema Gali – The Reverend of the Revolution