383: Ignore The Thoughts and Feelings

    You will not always feel good. Don’t wait until you get in the mood before you take action. Action first, feeling and inspiration will follow. Ask yourself: *Are you doing what is required to get what you want? Stop waiting to feel motivated before you do the work. Do what you said you would […]

382: You Have More in The Tank

    You can do way more than you think you can. Ask yourself: *What are you learning about yourself right now? *Where in your life today are you leaving so much in the tank? Where in your life today can you actually access more by surrounding yourself with a great coach and great people? You […]

381: Change Your Story Change Your Life Forever – LegDay Lessons

    The story that you believe the most about yourself is the story that you tell the most about yourself. If you want to change how you feel. if you want change your life. If you want to change the results that you have. Tell a different story. Look at the story you are telling […]

380: You Get What You Tolerate Especially in Your Home

    Agreements not expectations. If you tolerate and reward unworkable behavior it gets repeated. Ask yourself: *What are you tolerating that’s not getting you where you want to go? *What are you done tolerating? Where in your life today can you stop tolerating unworkable behavior? Where in your life are you tolerating mediocrity? Live what […]

379: Blaming Referees is a Sign of Weakness

    Take responsibility and own the fact that you are where you are because that’s what you’ve chosen. Ask yourself: *Are you still trying to blame everything and anything out there? *Are you willing to take responsibility? What do powerful people do? How quickly can you get back into focus? Stop complaining. Take responsibility. This […]

378: Why Most People Choose Complexity Over Simplicity

    Complexity is in direct ratio to non confront. Instead of making up complex things to do, just keep it simple and handle it directly. Ask yourself: *Where in your life are you creating complexity to avoid doing the required work? *What is the one thing that you must do right now to move forward? […]

377: Why Tom Brady is the GOAT

    Results Longevity Leadership Ask yourself: *How are you in the longevity of your career? *Are you consistently on top of your game? How are you in the consistency of your commitment to excellence? Where are you in terms of winning championships in your world? Be the best you. This is the Prosperity Revolution, a […]

376: Powerful People do 3 Things

    Powerful people do: Powerful people do what they say they are going to do. Powerful people are committed to a purpose. Powerful people don’t do it alone. Ask yourself: *Where in your life are you all-in? *Did you do what you said you are going to do? What is your purpose? What is your […]

375: How Practice and Drills Lead to Victory

    The truth will set you free. You have to start with the basics and fundamentals: Stop lying. Tell the truth. Put new information in your mind. Develop new skills. Do the work. Ask yourself: *Where in your life today do you need practice and drills? *Are you willing to invest in yourself? Read books, […]

374: To the Depressed and Discouraged, It’s not Over

    It’s not over until you say it’s over. Keep moving forward. Talk with somebody. Ask yourself: what do you really want? The sun will come up. Ask yourself: *What do you really want? Nothing will change until you do something different. Get up. Do the work. This is the Prosperity Revolution, a daily podcast […]