Certified Master Coach

Career As A High-Paid Coach
In his heart, Setema has always been and will always be one thing – a Coach. Before he ever set foot on the big stages and long before he was a household name, Setema consciously and deliberately created himself to be who he knew he was born to be:
“I am the world’s greatest coach to the highly committed.”
– Setema Gali, affirmation journal.
And then day by day, client by client, event by event, book by book, he made it a reality.
Over the past 13 years as an extreme performance coach, Setema has discovered, refined, documented, and systemized every principle, framework, and process needed to launch your career as a high-paid coach.
Become A Certified Master Coach
Do you want to help people achieve their dreams and get paid to do it?
Then Certified Master Coach is for you.
A word of advice: Before you invest in a professional coaching training or certification program, look closely at the coach who’s teaching it. Do they live the type of life that you want to live? Do they inspire you? Does their spirit and message resonate with the deepest parts of your soul? Are they 100% aligned with your vision and purpose?
If not, do not invest. If so, invest powerfully because a great coach can literally cut a decade of pain and anguish out of your personal journey to greatness. A great coach can save you years of trial and error. A great coach can serve as both a mentor and a guide as you step up and create your own 6 and 7 figure coaching practice.
If you’re serious and committed to doing what’s required to become the highest-paid coach in your industry, Certified Master Coach is the most direct and powerful path to get you there and do it much faster than you think is possible.