616: The Main Reason You Do Not Make More Money
If you want to make more money, you’ve got to become more valuable in the marketplace. The greatest way to express and exhibit your value in a marketplace is through skills Ask yourself: *Do you have big goals to make more money? *Are you actively developing mindsets and skill sets to be able to […]
615: Breaking Old Self-Gravity
Most of what you do today, most of who you are today, comes from your past experiences. Tell the truth. That’s how you change your old self-gravity into a new gravity, into a gravity that pulls you to a future that you want. Ask yourself: *Are going to stay in the past and let […]
614: Deciding Everything Works in Your Favor
The moment you decide that everything will work out for you, everything works out for you. You can make the decision right now. It’s going to not work or it’s going to work. Ask yourself: *What’s the one part of your life where you can start to say “This is going to work out.”? […]
613: Less Focus on Celebrities, More Focus on You
FOCUS on building yourself. Where you spend your time, where you spend your energy. That is who you worship. Ask yourself: *What do I want for my life? How do I want to live? *Are you addicted to electronics? Do you spend quality time with your family? Put the phone down, and start thinking for […]
612: Stop Pretending. Stop Pretending. Stop Pretending!
The more you say things that you have no intention of doing, the more you wire weakness into your system. Ask yourself: *Where in your life today are you pretending right now? *Are you really on the path that’s going to lead you to wealth? Stop pretending. Start living. START DOING. So you can […]
611: Slaying the Dragon of Fear
You have dreams, you have desires, and you have ambitions. None of this happens if you don’t SLAY THE DRAGON OF FEAR. Ask yourself: *What are you afraid of and why? *What if you just started to question the things you’re afraid of and question the meaning behind them? If you just act in […]
610: Reading Books is a Huge Waste of Time
There comes a point in time where the only way that you’re going to get better at something is to put the book down and go and take action. The best way to learn something is to do it. We learn to do by doing. Ask yourself: *What do you need to start doing […]
609: The Gift of Having My Cars Repossessed
You’ve got to become the person who puts in the work, who pays the piper, who overcomes the obstacles, who slays the dragon. EVERY SINGLE DAY. You’ve got to OVERCOME so you can show others how to do it. Ask yourself: What do I absolutely not want for my life? Are […]
608: Men If You’re Not Proud of Yourself, Neither is She
A man should PROVIDE, PRESIDE, PROTECT, PRODUCE, and teach PERSPECTIVE. In order to lead your family, you’ve got to lead yourself. And the way to lead yourself is to do what you say you’re going to do. Ask yourself: Do you provide? Do you lead your family? Do you know how to defend/protect your family? Will you […]
607: Rant: This Sounds Like ‘Privilege’ Talk
With every difficult situation comes a choice. You have the CHOICE to rise up, face the truth, and look for the lesson. Ask yourself: Have you been going through life with a victim mentality? Do you view your challenges as stumbling blocks or stepping stones? Put simply: If your life sucks it’s because you suck. Stop […]